Quirky (kwẽrk"y̆) adj. a. an individualizing characteristic or quality
b. strikingly unconventional
So I have this quirky interest that has followed me over the years. I think it started on my Grandpa's farm in Moses Lake. The farm was a great place to visit. There were endless activities that would entertain us grandkids for hours. Some of my favorites were feeding the cows, climbing haystacks, flying kites, walking tight ropes, snitchin' dried fruit out of the cellar closet, shooting BB guns, swimming in the canal, spraying the fire hose, and learning to drive the feed truck (now that one brings back some memories). Yeah, the farm was a fun place - it was a place where cousin bonds were built and memories of a childhood were woven into the fabric of our souls.
My favorite activity that I'd secretly like to do is Archery. There always seemed to be a bow and arrow at the farm. I loved shooting them into the hay bales at targets. I also loved shooting them into the pasture - just to see how far they'd fly. I remember us cousins would always try to out-do the next. I don't think I had much skill in this activity, but I just loved the repetitiveness of it. I loved the ZING of the string as you let the arrow fly and the PLUNK of arrows hitting a target. Oh! And one could never forget the barely audible whisper sound of the
WHIZZING an arrow would make when one of the uncles shot into the pasture. Now talk about hang time. Those babies would fly far - amazing what a little muscle could do. I'm sure the uncles loved that us cousins would scatter and go retrieve all those pastures arrows - the thrill of the hunt or something.
Years later the farm has been sold. No one visits it anymore. I, and probably everyone of my siblings and cousins, lock our precious memories and experiences of the farm close in our hearts. I took from it happy memories, strong family relationships, and a quirky interest in Archery.
Here's the proof of the hobby. I took my husband on a date to the local Sportsman's Show this weekend. We wandered all through the booths, sat through a cooking demonstration, and checked out dead dear heads mounted on walls. I know -J- enjoyed it. But for me the payoff came when we hit the indoor archery range. Shhh...Don't tell my husband...but my underlying reason for orchestrating the whole date: A chance to shoot off a few arrows!
Mission Accomplished!Okay folks. It's confession time. Leave me a comment about your quirky interest or hobby. You know we all have them - so lets just fess up and see what we can learn about each other.